Business geographics is a field in business that uses geographic
techniques and tools to accomplish a variety of tasks important to the
world of business, marketing, and ideal site selection.
The most commonly used tool relating to geography that is used in business geographics is mapping -- notably the use of geographic information systems, also known as GIS.
For example, if a children’s clothing store is considering
relocation because it is not doing the ideal amount of business the
store could map the population of people with children in its target age
group throughout the city or area it is considering moving to. The data
can then be put into a GIS and mapped using dark colors for the highest
concentration families with children and lighter colors for those
without. Once completed, the map will highlight the ideal areas for the
clothing store to locate based on that factor.
The most commonly used tool relating to geography that is used in business geographics is mapping -- notably the use of geographic information systems, also known as GIS.
Applications of Business Geographics
Identifying Markets
An important aspect in business is the identification of a target market or "customer mapping." By using geography and mapping potential customers, those looking to identify their market can find the highest concentration of the best potential customers. GIS allows this mapping to be completed in an efficient manner and maps created with this tool can have color-coding to identify customer concentrations.
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Determining if a Service is Needed
Like customer mapping, it’s important to businesses to locate where a service is needed to get the best possible sales numbers. Using mapping allows various types of customers to be easily identified to see if an area needs a business or service. Take for instance, a senior center. Because this is a specialized service it is important for it to be located within an area with a high proportion of senior citizens. By using customer mapping like in the children’s clothing store example, the highest proportion of senior citizens in a city can be easily identified. Therefore, the area with a greater senior population would need this service more than another without that age group.
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